How to Solve Square-1 Blindfolded

by Mike Hughey

The purpose of this page is to describe my method for solving a square-1 blindfolded (BLD).


For a while I have wanted to be able to solve all of the puzzles supported by the World Cubing Association blindfolded. I had learned to do every other puzzle, but the square-1 was the most elusive. Several people have done it by essentially using a partial speedblind method, tracing the pieces from the original shape into a square shape, and then solving it with cycles from there. Stefan Pochmann was probably the first to do it, and Takao Hashimoto became good enough at it that he has had quite a few successes in unofficial competition events, with a best time of 16:11. Very impressive!

I have attempted speedblind on 3x3x3 one time, and I missed by 3 pieces. I could probably do the speedblind thing, but I always figured there was a better way. Wouldn't it be nice to memorize how to get the pieces to square in advance, so you would be able to skip the speedblind step? It always seemed to me that it should be possible, but I never quite did the work to make sure it was.

For some time, Jim Mertens has been telling me I should try taking a break from big cube BLD to see if I might improve from the break. After US Nationals 2010, I decided I would finally try that. But of course, I couldn't take a break from all things BLD, so I figured I would instead work on my dream method for solving square-1 BLD. I was very pleasantly surprised in that it only took me about a week to work out my first translation matrix, and be able to solve one of the 90 possible shapes consistently in less than 10 minutes. So I spent the next couple of weeks working out the other cases, and here we are!

I should probably mention that there is really nothing particularly revolutionary about this method. Other than a speedblind method like I mentioned earlier, this really is the obvious way to go about doing this. I guess I was just the first person crazy enough to be willing to spend the time memorizing all the cases. What little innovation I've done here is to provide some mechanisms for handling the lettering so that the memorization is practical, but I'm sure anyone could have done that with a little thought.


First of all, I should mention that this tutorial is not meant for beginners to blindfold solving. In order to understand this tutorial, you will probably need to understand how piece cycles work, and what a 2-cycle or a 3-cycle is. I recommend that you at least know how to solve a 3x3x3 BLD before beginning to try the square-1. It is definitely harder to solve a square-1 BLD than it is to solve a 3x3x3 BLD, even with this method. Also, some familiarity with solving square-1 would probably be helpful. You don't have to be really good - my average on square-1 is close to 40 seconds, so I'm not really very good with it - but it is certainly helpful if you're at least somewhat familiar with solving it.

Second, I hope people will not be scared off by the size of this tutorial. It's very difficult to talk about the square-1 because of its shape-changing ability, so some of the descriptions here take many words to describe a simple concept. I recommend that you simply skim the material in these instructions down to the Sample Solve, then go to the Sample Solve and try to work through it until you understand how it works, referring to the other sections as needed when you encounter something you don't understand. Then, if you're still interested, try a solve with "open notes". Apply a scramble, use the Memorization List to find your case, and try memorizing with the translation matrix in front of you. If you can, then you know that you know how to solve square-1 BLD with my method - all you lack is memorizing the 90 cases. Then, if you get really ambitious, you can consider actually committing the 90 cases to memory so you can truly say you know how to do square-1 BLD. But I think it can still be fun if you have to look at the table, even if it isn't a full legitimate BLD solve.

Third, I generated all of this manually. For the Memorization List, I actually wrote all cases on paper, and then typed them in here. So it is very possible that I have made mistakes. If so, please contact me and I will try to correct the mistakes.

Fourth, if you really decide you would like to learn the full method, I recommend that you use an advanced memory technique for memorizing the Memorization List. I memorize the letters in pairs, where each pair of letters is represented by an image. Since the letters range from A to W, that means I have 576 images prepared for all the possible 2-letter combinations. Then I put the images together into a "story". I pair the shape name and the helper, then create 2 sub-stories that go with that pair, one for the edges, and the other for the corners. For instance, for the first case in my table, TW, I remember the following:

How the Method Works

The basic concept of this method is to use a matrix that stores how the pieces will shift when moving from the original fully-scrambled puzzle to the squared position. There are a total of 16 pieces that must be solved on a square-1 (not counting the middle slice). For each of the 16 pieces in the squared position, I calculate the location of that piece in the fully scrambled position. That allows me to treat the fully scrambled position almost as if it were already square when memorizing the cycles.

I use a "helper" image to help me remember where to start lettering the pieces, so I can reliably know how to use the matrix. The helper also is beneficial in that it helps me get to square - I'm still not good at getting to square optimally, but the helper guarantees that I will get there not only optimally but consistently. If you don't make the same moves to get to square every time, you won't know where the pieces are once you get there. The helper (along with some rules for rotationally symmetric cases) guarantees that you will always use the same moves to get to square. (Eventually, an expert might not need it for that, but it's helpful until someone gets that good, anyway.)

Solving is very much like solving a 3x3x3 BLD. Well, first you have to get to square, but after that, it's pretty much the same. The nice thing is that you don't have to worry about orientation on a square-1 - just permutation. So get each of the 16 pieces to the proper place and you're done. I use 3 cycles of edges and corners, and 2 cycles for parity cases, with J perms if there is a 2 cycle of both corners and edges. Solving is obviously the easy part.

Lettering System

I have labeled each piece in squared position with a letter.

* A *I * J
TopD * B* * *
* C *L * K
* E *M * N
BottomH * F* * *
* G *P * O

These are the letters I actually memorize for a given solve.

I use a translation matrix to generate the memorization. For that matrix, I label each 30 degree slice with a letter, starting at the first piece clockwise of the slice (at about 1 o'clock) as A, going all the way around to L, and then on the bottom starting at M and working my way around to X. What this means is that any edge piece, since it is 30 degrees, will cover just one letter, and a corner piece, since it is 60 degrees, will cover two letters. For corner pieces, I assign the first of the two letters as the name of the location of that piece.

Now, I can create a translation matrix for a given shape as follows (this is how I built the Memorization List below):

  1. Find the algorithm to get the shape to square. Write it down.
  2. Start with a solved square-1. Perform the inverse of the algorithm from step 1.
  3. For each piece, A to P, find what the letter is that corresponds to its current 30 degree position using the labels A to X. Write these down in order.

When finished, the results A to H are the translation matrix for edges, and the results for I to P are the translation matrix for corners. Using this matrix, for a given scramble of that shape, I can ask "What piece will be at position z in the cube once I solve to square", go to that item in the translation matrix, and know where that piece is in the scrambled puzzle. This is all I need to then be able to memorize it as if it were already square. That may not be intuitive to see from this description, but I'm hoping the Sample Solve will make it clearer.

Shape Naming System

I have assigned letters (or numbers, in a few cases) to each possible shape on a given side. I represent the sides with a bit pattern where corners are '1' and edges are '0'. That's where the letters above came from, and it made it easier to see how they were really supposed to fit together - I can represent each overall case as a letter pair. So here are my letters and corresponding bit patterns:
NameBit PatternCommon Name
A1111100paired edges
B1111010perpendicular edges
C1110110parallel edges
E110100000right 5-1
F110010000right 4-2
H110000100left 4-2
I110000010left 5-1
O11101000right pawn
Q11100010left pawn
S11010100left fist
V11001010right fist
So, for instance, if the shape is (left fist)-(scallop), with left fist on top, I would name it SN; (paired edges)-(right 5-1) with paired edges on top would be named AE. For the cases with a star on one side, I simply name the case by the number of the other side: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Note that these are not assigned in random order. They are grouped by number of corners. For each shape with a given set of corners, I always start with the case where all of the corners are grouped together. Then, I allow the last of the corners (going clockwise) to separate, until it has covered all of the cases with all but one corners grouped together. Then I allow the second one to separate the same way, and so on. That makes it fairly easy to figure out what the proper name of a shape is in case you forget.


To make it easier to keep track of the proper letters for each piece when memorizing, and also to help me know how to get to square, for each case I have memorized a helper letter pair. The first letter in this pair tells which piece should be to the right of the back of the puzzle on the top side, and the second letter tells which piece should be to the right of the front of the puzzle on the bottom side, looking from the bottom. To label the pieces, I always start with "A" equalling the most counterclockwise corner of the largest grouping of corners for that shape. Then I work my way around the puzzle, giving the letter "B" to the second piece (whether it is an edge or a corner - it doesn't matter), then "C" to the third piece, and so on.

When I start to memorize, after figuring out what shape I have, I put one finger on the "A" piece on the top side, and another finger on the "A" piece of the bottom side. I then know those pieces are A (for the top side A-L when interpreting the matrix) and M (for the bottom side M-X when interpreting the matrix) when finding the next piece to memorize.

Sample Solve

It often seems that the best possible way to understand a BLD method is to see a sample solve, with explanations as to the thought processes required to carry out that solve. So I will focus on that here.

We'll use the following random scramble (generated from qqtimer):
(-3,-3) / (-3,0) / (-3,5) / (-5,4) / (-3,-4) / (0,-3) / (-1,-3) / (2,6) / (0,1) / (6,1) / (-2,4) / (0,2) / (0,2) / (2,4) / (-5,2) /

The first thing I would do when starting memorization is to determine the shape. This one is KB. It's nice because the K is on top and the B is on bottom. Sometimes the sides are reversed, so that the one that is normally on top is on the bottom. When this happens, you have to do a bit of extra work. You memorize treating the top side as the bottom and the bottom as the top. Then when you start to solve, you first perform /(6,6)/(6,6), which puts things the way you're used to, and you proceed from there. That guarantees that you solve to square consistently, with every piece where you expect it to be.

Now I would use my shape name KB to recall my helper, which for KB is IB. To determine the lettering scheme, I start with the counterclockwise-most corner piece that's closest to another corner piece, which after scrambling is the corner piece that is at ULB. I treat it as "A", and increase the letter for every piece as I count around, arriving at "I" (the first letter in my helper) at the edge piece just to the left of the "A" piece. I will count this location (which you can see is at UL) as the letter A in my translation matrix, and then work around the top clockwise, assigning a new letter to each 30 degree slice. So the pieces on top will be labeled A, B, D, E, G, H, I, K, L. (If you follow what I mean, you'll see that the skipped letters correspond to the corners, since they take up 2 30 degree slices.) For the bottom (looking at it by tilting the puzzle so I'm looking directly at the bottom of the puzzle), again I start with the counterclockwise-most corner piece that's closest to another corner piece, which in this case is the corner at DBR. I treat it as "A", and increase the letter as I count around clockwise, arriving at "B", the very next corner clockwise of that first one. I count that location (which you can see is at DBL) as the letter M in my translation matrix, and work around the bottom clockwise, assigning a new letter to each 30 degree slice. So the pieces on bottom will be labeled M, O, Q, S, T, V, W, starting with that M piece.

Now I know how to apply my translation matrix, so I can begin calculating my cycles. I solve edges first, then corners. I always start with edge piece "A" in the squared puzzle (I will always call the resulting puzzle after returning it to square the "squared puzzle", for short), as the start of my first cycle. So I will not memorize A (it is my buffer piece), but first I must memorize the piece that will be at location "A" once I have the squared puzzle. Note that my translation matrix for edges for this case (KB) is GD KA HL SV. The first letter in this matrix means that the piece that will be at "A" in the squared puzzle is now at "G" (counting as I described above for the top layer). If you look at the scrambled puzzle, you will see that, counting from the "A" piece (which I know is at UL from my helper, as described above), the "G" piece is at UR. The piece which is there is the piece which belongs at DB (which I label as "G"). So my first piece to memorize for solving the puzzle is "G".

Now I need to find the piece that will be at G in the squared puzzle, to find the next piece to memorize. That will be the 7th letter in my translation matrix (since G is the 7th letter of the alphabet), which is "S". So I must go to my scrambled puzzle and find the position "S" to see what is there. Starting at DBL, I count to the letter S, which is at DF. The piece which is there is the piece which belongs at DR (which I label "F"), so my second letter to memorize for solving the puzzle is "F". My memorization so far is GF.

I now continue this process the same until I finish the cycle:

So I know that once I have the squared puzzle, my memorization will be GF EH CB D, meaning that piece A (my buffer) needs to go to G, piece G needs to go to F, piece F needs to go to E, piece E needs to go to H, piece H needs to go to C, piece C needs to go to B, piece B needs to go to D, and piece D needs to go to my buffer location A. I'm finished memorizing edges. I always memorize in image pairs, so I quickly see here that I have a single letter left over. That means I'll have edge parity when I finish solving the edges. I always make sure my edge parity is at A and D, so I won't have to remember it, and so I put my feet together at this point to indicate that I have edge parity. That way I'll never DNF because I forgot to do parity.

Now to memorize the corners. It works the same, but this time working with the second matrix for case KB, the corner matrix, which is QB EO WI MT. This says that my buffer corner piece in the squared puzzle (which I call "I") will be at location Q in the scrambled puzzle (since I is the first corner letter, and Q is the first letter in my corner matrix). Counting from the "M" piece, which is at DBBL, we see that the "Q" piece is DFL in the scrambled puzzle. The piece there belongs at "K" in the squared puzzle, so my first letter to memorize is "K", since it is the piece that will be at the buffer location in the squared puzzle.

Now I want to find the piece that will be at "K" in the squared puzzle, and since K is the third corner letter, I look at the third letter in my matrix, which is "E". The piece at "E" (which is UBR) belongs at "O" in the squared puzzle, so my second letter to memorize is "O". I add "O" to my memorization, giving me KO.

I now continue this process similarly until I finish the cycle:

Final memorization:
Corners: KOMJN

Now it's time to solve. I put on the blindfold and begin getting to square. My helper (IB) tells me I need to move the piece at UL to the position to the right of the back slice on top, and I need to move the piece that's currently at DBBL to the position to the right of the front slice on the bottom. I do those moves (which is (4,6), but I don't usually think about that), and then do the slice move. I then feel the resulting shape and discover that the top is P and the bottom is W - the shape is PW (which is shield-square). My helper for case PW is CB, so I can use that to figure out how I need to move the pieces for the next slice. On top, the third piece (because C is the third letter, from my helper CB) counting from the counterclockwise-most of the adjacent corner pieces is at UFFR, so I need to turn that piece so it is to the right of the back slice on top. For the bottom, I need an edge piece, since the corner counts as A for the square case and the edge counts as B. My rule for square shapes (see rules below in the memorization list section) indicates I want to move it as little as possible, and I can see that it is already in an acceptable position, so I don't need to move the bottom. So now (after (-4,0), which takes care of the P piece) I do another slice move and I see I am at fist-fist. From this point, I just know how to solve fist-fist - I always do minimum moves to align the next pieces - in this case, I apply (-1,0)/(-3,0)/, and I'm done. The puzzle is square.

If you're following along, it might be worth it to look at the puzzle now and confirm for yourself that our memorization was correct. Starting with the buffer edge piece UB, you should see that our cycle is indeed GFEHCBD, and starting with the buffer corner piece UBL, you should see that the corner cycle is indeed KOMJN. So now we just have the relatively easy task of solving these pieces.

I use 3 cycles for everything (except the last 2 pieces, if there's parity). So our first cycle will be A->G->F. To do this, I setup to a counterclockwise U perm by doing (-2,-3)/(-1,0). Then I perform the counterclockwise U perm (1,0)/(0,-3)/(-1,0)/(3,0)/(1,0)/(0,3)/(-1,0)/(-3,0)/, and then undo the setup with (1,0)/(2,3). Now the pieces at "G" and "F" are solved.

Next, I solve the next two pieces EH by doing A->E->H. Again I set up to the counterclockwise U perm, this time by doing (-2,3)/(-1,0). Then I perform the same counterclockwise U perm (1,0)/(0,-3)/(-1,0)/(3,0)/(1,0)/(0,3)/(-1,0)/(-3,0)/, and then undo the setup with (1,0)/(2,-3). Now the pieces at "E" and "H" are also solved.

Next, I solve the next two pieces CB by doing A->C->B. This one also requires the counterclockwise U perm (this probably wasn't such a good example, was it?), so I set up with (-3,0). Then I do the same algorithm (1,0)/(0,-3)/(-1,0)/(3,0)/(1,0)/(0,3)/(-1,0)/(-3,0)/, and undo the setup with (3,0). Now all the edges are solved except A and D.

I consider this "edge parity", because I have 2 edges unsolved. I like to keep the parity edges at A and D for solving later, since I use the I piece as my corner buffer, which means it is easy to do a J perm to fix if the corners also have parity. This particular solve also has "corner parity", so it will be good for using a J perm to fix at the end. If it did not, I might consider doing the adjacent edge parity fix at this point in the solve.

Now for the corners. First up is the pair KO, so I want to solve I->K->O. This is a bad one to set up, requiring two moves. I set it up to a clockwise A perm with (1,3)/(0,-3)/(2,0). Then I do the A perm (1,0)/(0,3)/(2,0)/(-3,0)/(-2,0)/(0,-3)/(2,0)/(3,0)/(-3,0), and then undo the setup with (-2,0)/(0,3)/(-1,-3). Now the pieces at "K" and "O" are solved.

Next, I solve the two pieces MJ by doing I->M->J. This one is easier to set up: (-2,3)/(-4,0), which sets up for a counterclockwise A perm, /(-3,0)/(-2,0)/(0,3)/(2,0)/(3,0)/(-2,0)/(0,-3)/(2,0). Then I undo the setup moves with (4,0)/(2,-3), and the pieces at "M" and "J" are solved.

Now all that's left are the last 2 edges and the last 2 corners. Setup moves (0,-1)/(0,1) prepare for the J perm (-2,0)/(0,-3)/(0,3)/(0,-3)/(3,0)/(-3,3)/(5,0). Now just undo the setup moves with (0,-1)/(0,1), and it's solved! Well, except for the fact that the middle slice is wrong, so just do /(6,0)/(6,0)/(6,0), and now it's REALLY solved!


I use the following algorithms for solving square-1 BLD. There are several others I should probably learn, but these are the ones I know now; they're fairly reliable, and they require at most one setup slice move for edges and 2 setup slice moves for corners. I will use my lettering scheme to describe the letters that are being solved, since it's easier than giving the locations with UDRLFB.


corners: parity:

Alternate Approach

Joey Gouly has suggested an alternate approach for this method. His suggestion is that you merely memorize where all the pieces will be at the beginning, and then work out the cycles while in the solving phase. So for instance, in the Sample Solve above, you would memorize the following, telling what piece is at each location:

Edges: GD BA HE FC
Corners: KN OL JI MP

I won't go into how I got these, but if you simply use the translation matrix looking for what piece is at each location (A-H for edges, and I-P for corners), you should wind up with these. Then, when solving, you know where all the pieces are, and you work out the cycles from there. So if you start with A (which is G in our memorization), you then see what's at G (F, since it's the 7th letter), and therefore figure the first cycle is A->G->F, and solve that. Then you go onto the piece that's at F (E) and the piece that's at E (H), and so you solve A->E->H, and so on. You'll find that you still wind up doing the same solve, you just do the memorization a little differently.

I've tried this method, and it also works pretty well. The memorization phase is much quicker, since you have less to keep track of. But unfortunately, working out the cycles during the solve is a little more difficult than it is pre-solve, because it's harder to keep track of what has already been solved. I suspect that if you don't need to break into new cycles, this method might work out best. But it seems like the method I normally use is a little better if you do have to break into new cycles.

Memorization List

Note that this list and the diagrams were originally created by Christian Eggermont. I'd like to thank him very much for allowing me to use his page as a starting point for this one, and also for creating the list in the first place - it was very useful in the creation of this method.

This list contains each of the 90 possible cases. For each case, I have provided the following:

  1. The shape of the particular case. The left shape in each row is the upper layer, seen from above; the right shape is the lower layer, seen from below.
  2. The name of the case. This is using the naming system described above in the section Shape Naming System.
  3. The "helper" for this case. See the section above called Helper.
  4. The 8 letters for the edges translation matrix. Piece A in the puzzle after going to square will be at the position designated by the first letter, piece B in the squared puzzle will be at the position designated by the second letter, and so on.
  5. The 8 letters for the corners translation matrix. Piece I in the puzzle after going to square will be at the position designated by the first letter, piece J in the squared puzzle will be at the position designated by the second letter, and so on.
  6. A distance, so you know how far from square that particular case is. You don't need to memorize this.
  7. The algorithm to get you from this case to square. Obviously, inverting this algorithm can get you to this case. Again, you don't need to memorize this, although if you do, you might be quicker solving. Note that with blindfolded solving, it is very important that you get to square the same way from a given case every time. There are many ways to get to square, and if you go a different way, the pieces won't be in the right place! However, you don't need to memorize the algorithm simply because you can do it one step at a time: It takes a while to do it this way - I've sometimes taken several minutes when I have trouble remembering one of the helpers - but it's almost guaranteed to work. The one place where I know it doesn't work (there might be more - I've tried not to make them) is for the case TU; I did that case before I realized I should follow this rule. If you decide to generate your own table (rather than using mine), please remember that it is very nice to have all the shapes follow the same path, where possible. One thing that does make this difficult is that there are some cases where there are multiple possible ways to align the pieces for the next turn, due to rotational symmetry. To help with that, I use the following rules, which work for the solutions I give below:
Note: I made one big mistake when doing one of the cases. If you line up the case for EA with the helper DE, it goes to the upside-down version of NT. (So, it's TN instead of NT.) I'm afraid that the easiest thing I can suggest to you is that you use the "Moves to get to square" to memorize this case. There are too many cases that pass through EA to get to square, so I'm not going to go through and fix them all, especially since I want this to reflect my method for solving. I am sorry about that.

ShapeCaseHelperEdgesCornersDistanceMoves to get to squareMoves to get to this shapeProbability
TWHA (leads to SS)OI XR FA UJPG BM DS KV7(0,0)(3,1)(-2,-1)(-4,6)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(4,6)(2,1)(-3,-1)16 / 3678
1JA (leads to DB)LD JH IA KGEB MU OW QS6(0,0)(-2,2)(-3,-2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,2)(2,-2)16 / 3678
3BA (leads to NQ)FH BJ AG CIKU OM SQ WD6(0,0)(4,0)(1,2)(3,-2)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,2)(-1,-2)(-4,0)16 / 3678
MBAE (leads to KA)LG CP MD HKNQ UW AS EI6(0,0)(-1,-2)(-4,4)(-2,6)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,6)(4,-4)(1,2)16 / 3678
MCAD (leads to GA)DK MG LH CRUI EA NS PW6(0,0)(-1,-2)(5,-2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(-5,2)(1,2)8 / 3678
RVCA (leads to NS)HU RA QF GXBS IM OD VK6(0,0)(2,-3)(-3,6)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,6)(-2,3)48 / 3678
RTCB (leads to OV)FR GO SH VAMP ID KT BW6(0,0)(4,-1)(-4,6)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(4,6)(-4,1)32 / 3678
RUHC (leads to NR)AK MT LF NSUI BO QD GW6(0,0)(-2,0)(6,-4)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(6,4)(2,0)32 / 3678
RSHG (leads to NV)NA LS KV MFQW OI BT DG6(0,0)(-4,5)(-3,4)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,-4)(4,-5)48 / 3678
TVBA (leads to QW)FC RJ QG UXOA DK MS HV6(0,0)(2,0)(1,0)(-2,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,0)(-1,0)(-2,0)48 / 3678
UVCA (leads to NO)HX BR AU GQCV IS MK OE6(0,0)(0,4)(-1,-2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(1,2)(0,-4)48 / 3678
SSHG (leads to OV)FL MI SN VAGJ OD QT BW6(0,0)(-2,-1)(-4,6)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(4,6)(2,1)36 / 3678
SWCA (leads to OT)XR HU AG DOMP IS VB EK6(0,0)(4,-3)(5,4)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-5,-4)(-4,3)24 / 3678
TSFG (leads to OW)LI ND MA SVQE JW OG BT6(0,0)(-2,0)(-3,2)(-2,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,0)(3,-2)(2,0)48 / 3678
USAG (leads to NQ)VL FN EK SMOA GQ WI CT6(0,0)(0,-4)(1,2)(3,-2)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,2)(-1,-2)(0,4)48 / 3678
UWCA (leads to OO)BR HX OG UACS IM EP KV6(0,0)(4,4)(3,0)(4,4)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-4,-4)(-3,0)(-4,-4)16 / 3678
WVBE (leads to TQ)DO XR JW AGHS MP EK UB6(0,0)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,-2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,2)(-2,-1)(-3,4)24 / 3678
VVHA (leads to QS)QJ XG RA FUMH VD KO BS6(0,0)(2,1)(6,-4)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(6,4)(-2,-1)36 / 3678
DBBD (leads to EA)JR HF GO IESP KW AM CU5(0,0)(-3,-2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,2)48 / 3678
DCAD (leads to 0)HJ LR IK MGSW CP UA EN5(0,0)(3,0)(2,4)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-2,-4)(-3,0)24 / 3678
ECHD (leads to FA)AJ LR BK MGUH EP WC NS5(0,0)(5,0)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-5,0)24 / 3678
FBBD (leads to EA)JR HD GO ICEP KU WM AS5(0,0)(-3,0)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,0)64 / 3678
GAAF (leads to EA)NJ LF KG MESH OW AQ CU5(0,0)(5,-2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(-5,2)72 / 3678
GCAD (leads to FA)EJ LR FK MGAH UP CS NW5(0,0)(5,-4)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-5,4)24 / 3678
HBHD (leads to EA)JR HB GO IACP KS UM WE5(0,0)(-3,2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,-2)64 / 3678
ICGD (leads to EB)JD LA KM RIWB ES UP NG5(0,0)(-3,6)(-2,6)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,6)(3,6)24 / 3678
JCAD (leads to EB)JF LC KM RIAD SU WP NG5(0,0)(-3,4)(-2,6)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,6)(3,-4)32 / 3678
KAAF (leads to EB)KF MC LN GJAD SU WQ OH5(0,0)(-4,4)(-2,6)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,6)(4,-4)72 / 3678
KCID (leads to GB)RK LH GM ADUI EP SW NB5(0,0)(-5,2)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(5,-2)24 / 3678
LAGF (leads to EA)NJ LD KG MCEH OU WQ AS5(0,0)(5,0)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(-5,0)72 / 3678
LCGD (leads to FA)CJ LR DK MGWH SP AE NU5(0,0)(5,-2)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-5,2)24 / 3678
NQGD (leads to IA)RL NB MK OACU GE SI WP5(0,0)(1,2)(3,-2)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,2)(-1,-2)48 / 3678
NPBD (leads to 2)HM RJ IG NQWK SC UE AO5(0,0)(5,0)(-4,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(4,2)(-5,0)72 / 3678
NOCD (leads to EA)HP RF QM GESN IW AK CU5(0,0)(-1,-2)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(1,2)48 / 3678
NRAC (leads to EA)MI KT JR LSUG NA CP EW5(0,0)(6,-4)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(6,4)48 / 3678
NVBE (leads to EA)JR HX GO IWAP KE SM UC5(0,0)(-3,4)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,-4)72 / 3678
NSBB (leads to EA)JR HV GO IUWP KC EM SA5(0,0)(-3,6)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(3,6)72 / 3678
NWBA (leads to EB)GX IU HJ ORSV AC EM KP5(0,0)(0,-2)(-2,6)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,6)(0,2)24 / 3678
OPAG (leads to EA)NJ LV KG MUWH OC EQ SA5(0,0)(5,6)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(-5,6)48 / 3678
OOAD (leads to 4)RJ LP GK MQSW AE UH CN5(0,0)(3,0)(4,4)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-4,-4)(-3,0)16 / 3678
ORAC (leads to FA)SJ LR TK MGCH WP EU NA5(0,0)(5,6)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-5,6)32 / 3678
OVAA (leads to GB)QJ KG RL UXEH AO CS MV5(0,0)(-4,6)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(4,6)48 / 3678
OTAH (leads to FA)UJ LR VK MGEH AP SW NC5(0,0)(5,4)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-5,-4)32 / 3678
OUAC (leads to EA)NJ LT KG MSUH OA CQ EW5(0,0)(5,-4)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)(-5,4)32 / 3678
OWAB (leads to JB)JG LP KM SVCQ HW AE NT5(0,0)(-3,2)(-2,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,0)(3,-2)16 / 3678
QQAD (leads to 4)HL NR IM OGSW AE UJ CP5(0,0)(1,0)(4,4)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-4,-4)(-1,0)16 / 3678
PVAH (leads to GB)RK LH GM SVCI WP AE NT5(0,0)(-5,-4)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(5,4)72 / 3678
PTAF (leads to KB)GP KM HL UXSN QE AI CV5(0,0)(0,-2)(-4,0)(-1,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,0)(4,0)(0,2)48 / 3678
PUAC (leads to FA)SK MG TL NHCI WQ EU OA5(0,0)(4,6)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)(-4,6)48 / 3678
PSAH (leads to GB)RK LH GM UXEI AP CS NV5(0,0)(-5,6)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(5,6)72 / 3678
PQFD (leads to IA)RL ND MK OCEW GS UI AP5(0,0)(1,0)(3,-2)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,2)(-1,0)48 / 3678
RQHA (leads to AH)XF TK AS ULMQ DI OB GV5(0,0)(0,1)(0,-2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,2)(0,-1)32 / 3678
TQHA (leads to AH)XF TI AS UJKO DG MB QV5(0,0)(2,1)(0,-2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,2)(-2,-1)32 / 3678
QUAD (leads to HC)RS HM GI XLPN TC EV AJ5(0,0)(3,0)(-4,-3)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(4,3)(-3,0)32 / 3678
QSAG (leads to GB)GL MI HN SVCJ WQ AE OT5(0,0)(6,-4)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)(6,4)48 / 3678
QWAA (leads to JB)RO HL GI UXEM PA CS JV5(0,0)(1,0)(-2,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,0)(-1,0)16 / 3678
0GA (leads to NN)KA CI LB DJSW OG UM QE4(0,0)(2,4)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-2,-4)16 / 3678
2HA (leads to OQ)AF KC BL GJWD SO UQ MH4(0,0)(-4,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(4,2)16 / 3678
4BA (leads to NN)IA CG JB DHSW MQ UK OE4(0,0)(4,4)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-4,-4)10 / 3678
DAHA (leads to NN)KW AI LX BJEU OG SM QC4(0,0)(2,6)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(-2,6)72 / 3678
EADE (leads to TN)GC EP DL FOQA HU WJ MS4(0,0)(3,-4)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,4)72 / 3678
EBBB (leads to NT)GV IS HJ CFQT WM OA KD4(0,0)(-2,6)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,6)48 / 3678
FAEF (leads to NN)MC EK ND FLUA QI WO GS4(0,0)(0,2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,-2)96 / 3678
FCBA (leads to NT)GS ID HJ XCQE TM OV KA4(0,0)(-2,-3)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,3)32 / 3678
GBCD (leads to OQ)AF GC BH ORWD SK UM IP4(0,0)(0,-2)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(0,2)48 / 3678
AHAH (leads to NN)MS UK NT VLAE QI CO GW4(0,0)(0,-2)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)(0,2)96 / 3678
HCGA (leads to NT)IS KD JL XCGE TO QV MA4(0,0)(-4,-3)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(4,3)32 / 3678
IADE (leads to NT)GA CP BL DOQW HS UJ ME4(0,0)(3,-2)(2,1)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-2,-1)(-3,2)72 / 3678
IBGA (leads to NT)ID KA JL UXGB EO QS MV4(0,0)(-4,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(4,0)48 / 3678
JAIA (leads to OQ)WD KA XL GJUB EO SQ MH4(0,0)(-4,0)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)(4,0)96 / 3678
JBBA (leads to NT)GD IA HJ UXQB EM OS KV4(0,0)(-2,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(2,0)64 / 3678
KBIB (leads to PW)GD KA HL SVQB EO WI MT4(0,0)(-4,0)(-1,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,0)(4,0)48 / 3678
LBAA (leads to PW)GC KX HL FUQA DO VI MS4(0,0)(-4,1)(-1,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,0)(4,-1)48 / 3678
MABF (leads to PP)MA EI NB FJUW QG KO CS4(0,0)(0,2)(3,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-3,-2)(0,-2)24 / 3678
NUGB (leads to PP)OU AK PV BLES GI MQ WC4(0,0)(-2,6)(3,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-3,-2)(2,6)48 / 3678
OSCF (leads to PW)OC GX PH FUMA DK VQ IS4(0,0)(0,1)(-1,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,0)(0,-1)48 / 3678
PRFG (leads to NT)KS MD LN XCIE TQ GV OA4(0,0)(6,-3)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)(6,3)48 / 3678
QVFB (leads to PW)KD OA LP SVIB EG WM QT4(0,0)(4,0)(-1,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,0)(-4,0)48 / 3678
NNGC (leads to UU)AQ SK BR TLWO EI MC GU3(0,0)(1,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-1,-2)36 / 3678
NTCF (leads to SV)EP GM FH UXCN QK AS IV3(0,0)(-1,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,2)48 / 3678
OQCF (leads to SV)WP GM XH CFUN QK SA ID3(0,0)(-1,4)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,-4)32 / 3678
PPGC (leads to UU)AO SI BP TJWM EG KC QU3(0,0)(3,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(-3,-2)36 / 3678
PWCB (leads to SV)CP GM DH SVAN QK WE IT3(0,0)(-1,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(1,0)24 / 3678
RRGC (leads to UU)AR SL BG TMWP EJ NC HU3(0,0)(0,2)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)(0,-2)16 / 3678
RWDA (leads to SV)EO RL FG UXCM PJ AS HV3(0,0)(0,-2)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)(0,2)16 / 3678
TUFD (leads to SV)IX LR AD MSGV JP TB EN3(0,0)(3,0)(0,3)(0,0)(0,-3)(-3,0)32 / 3678
SVDB (leads to TT)OC FL PG SVMA DJ WQ HT2(0,0)(-3,0)(0,0)(3,0)72 / 3678
UUDB (leads to TT)OF UL PG VAMD SJ BQ HW2(0,0)(-3,-3)(0,0)(3,3)16 / 3678
TTFB (leads to WW)LO RI AD SVJM PG WB ET1(0,0)(0,0)16 / 3678
WWnonenonenone0nonenone4 / 3678

Author: Mike Hughey
Created: 07 September 2010
Last updated: 12 October 2010